Papua New Guinea Grade B BIO - fresh roasted coffee, min. 50g

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Length must be from 50 to 3000 g and multiple of 50.

Very fine and sweet coffee from Papua in organic quality.

More information about the coffee can be found in the description below. More

Papua New Guinea coffees are mostly grown by farmers on very small farms, which usually do not grow more than 20 coffee trees, which is why they are often referred to as coffee gardens. Most of the country is made up of high mountain ranges with steep valleys and very inaccessible plateaus. Farmers live in often inaccessible areas, so the coffee beans often have to be picked up by helicopters or planes, or transported to towns on almost impassable roads.

Rural farmers do not use pesticides or chemical fertilisers. Farmers either husk the cherries themselves using handmade equipment or take the coffee cherries to a washing station.

Taste sweet
Aroma chocolate
Země původu Papua-Nová Guinea
Kontinent Austrálie a Indonésie
Nadmořská výška 1 100 m n. m.
Úprava kávy čerstvě pražená káva
Roasting level medium
Certifikace BIO - organic
Region Eastern Highlands
Odrůda Arusha, Blue Mountain, Typica
Způsob zpracování promytá (washed)
Druh kávy 100% arabika

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